You should say you wanna die after you have actually lived. I have seen people since their childhood are functioned in a way where they dont know what all the world has to offer them. They merely just know about a career path, a life partner, a job, a family trauma. They are hardly aware of the other little things that would bring them a bigger joy.
Eg: Imagine conditioning a child in a way that he learns to express himself since the time he could speak. Teaching him all forms of art to find out how he would love to express himself when he losses words. Telling him that the world has so many bucket list to be fulfilled: skating on the streets while its the sunset, dancing in the rain, skydiving with a group, crazy spanish dance in a bar, proposing in different languages, learning new languages, meeting different country men and knowing their lifestyles, having night outs with a date/bestfriend/just friends, a cool amazing rich party with office colleage.
Dont these things count as much a married life does?
Trust me, we all are just functioned wrongly. Since childhood, what we lost becomes the most important thing to us throughout our lives. We are never having that one extra lecture in our schools to tell us about other things of life that exists. We never realise on what to obsess and on what not to. We never realise what should be prioritised and what should be ignored. All our life we just think that our way of assuming things are so correct.
You know what, therapy is not for healing, therapy is actually for teaching you to live a better life. Therapy is to teach you the most important subject which you missed at your school. For you to observe the little life you miss everytime you are stricking for the bigger lies.
At the end of your life you are gonna come to a conclusion that your day of wedding didn't matter as much as your love stories did. Your result didn't matter as much as your preparations did. Your degree didnt matter as much your college days did. Your salary didnt matter as much as your happiness did.
It was all always a matter of fact that you realise pretty pretty late.
Lessons of emotions are often taught when the man leaves aside the ego of knowing it all.
You know how much ever stupid this sounds, but I am someone who lives up to that 1 good thing I will have in my whole day. It could be a walk at my terrace, a good mango icecream in summer, a good hot shower, a talk with my bestfriend, a good flirting with my neighbor. It really includes any slighest thing. Which might not make any sense to people but gives me so much of happiness.
Why? Cause that’s how I have conditioned myself.
I would like to push all of you to re-condition yourself in the right way. Learn about human emotions, not just to be good to others but to be good to yourself as well.
- Try the bucket list system. Write every possible thing that could make you happy and now make sure you tick all of them.
- Try writing 10 good things about your day, every single day.
- Read my most favourite book: the secret. This book is gonna teach you one of the best ways to manifest the most beautiful life.
- Have a friend in your life who stays positive NO MATTER WHAT.
To heal ourselves, is our responsibility!
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